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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"I put some gauze on that too. It'll hold till we can get you somewhere where I can do a better job. Just stay awake." There was no might about it, stitches for both her leg and her side were needed. But they'll get to that later. First...where to take her? He's been finding out some of her safehouses but none he knows of are nearby and even if she did tell him of one she might pass out before they got there and she could give him further instructions. The hospital was too far so...there was no way around it. The safehouse two blocks away would have to do.

"Security shot you? Which flat is this?" Because shoot on site mark for a mob thief? Well that meant all sorts of danger. Not just of what she might have been stealing, but what her employer hoped to achieve by hitting such a well secured place. Nothing good that's for sure.

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