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RockChalk ([info]rockchalk) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
There's definitely been times when he tried. Sometimes he still does. He supports Ruth, supports her ambitions. He knows how much she's done for him. But there's finally something he's good at - very good at, to which he's applying himself. Football.

And whatever people say about dumb jocks, after a certain point, football requires study. And not just a little. Routes, tendencies, blocking assignments, timing patterns, step adjustments, rosters, blitz packages. There's playbook study, coaches' note studies, and most especially, film study. To a casual viewer, it would look like he's not just only watching football, but rewinding and replaying a bunch.

Its hard work - but with a chance to start next season, he's taking it seriously. Especially the day after game days, when the video work and results are still fresh, and there's no other homework to compete with it.

Watch. Rewind. Watch. Rewind. Watch in slow motion. Watch for shifts in weight, go through each of the lineman's adjustments, where are they looking, did they follow their assignments, did everyone run the right route. Snap count, count til release... over and over.

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