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MadeOfGoesFast ([info]madeofgoesfast) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Now that that's been said and everything signed, meet the primary investment. Cindy is doing the primary backing and production costs for our first two projects, and then she can decide if she wants to continue investing or back out.

Anyway, profits may struggle some for a while because a portion of proceeds are going to charity. Some to Tess' neighborhood watch program, some to charities decided by our employees, but anyway...

Project number one is a 'good girl' art calendar. All superheroines in skimpier versions of their normal costumes and colors, and selling both the calendar and a 'making of' video, with interviews with the girls in the calendar costumes, talking about their home cities and charities, as well as giving people a little bit of a look into the people... and, of course, superheroines in bikinis. No nudity or the like, but... yeah... easy, low cost, travel would be worse, except, well, speedsters. Something to drum up some interest, prove our business model and connection to charities, and indicate we can handle this, so we can maybe get real interest and more investment for science fiction."

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