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greatest_zatara ([info]greatest_zatara) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
He produces another cloth, gives it a spin, and produces a chainsaw. "Now take a few steps back, kids! Let's get this going!" Zachary gets the motor started, and waves the power-tool back and forth over Victoria's prone and mostly enclosed form, her head and feet still sticking out.

He revs it once, then twice, lifting it up to his shoulder each time. Finally, he swings it down at the center of the box. Sawdust and splinters are thrown left and right, and the two halves of the box slump down to the middle.

"Sorry, I slipped a little bit. You still comfy, Miss Craft?" He looks at the two triangular sections of box and person left askew on the stage. He switches off and puts aside the chainsaw, poking one of her feet.

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