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nightflame ([info]nightflame) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2014-01-05 22:20:00

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Entry tags:clark kent

Meme: Clark and Grandma Sunshine
Clark had been mid-flight when he caught a whiff the best cupcakes he'd ever smelled in his life.  Naturally, he was drawn to them.  When he arrived at the location, using his super sense of smell, Clark found himself at an orphanage.  The door was cracked open.  He didn't hear anybody inside.  Abandoned, maybe?  Did that mean the cupcakes were free?  He decided to find out.  Clark entered the orphanage and wandered into the kitchen.  There they were; the cupcakes he was so drawn to.  He took one of them and ate it as quickly as possible.

And then she appeared.  The sudden appearance of this old woman didn't even seem to phase Clark.  In fact, he actually smiled at her, opened his arms, and greeted her with a hug.

"Grandma Sunshine!" he exclaimed.  She wrapped her hands around him and smiled gently. 

"My dear Clark," she replied.  "Could you be a dear and clean up for dear old Grandma Sunshine?"

That's the way it was for the next hour or two.  Grandma Sunshine warmly asked for Clark to do a chore, and he did it.  However, after awhile, Clark started grating on her nerves.  As much patience and love that Grandma Sunshin had in her heart, she was not prepared to deal with young Superboy full of magical love-stuff baked goods.  Let's face it; he could get annoying.

So not only did she put him to sleep with more cupcakes, but she added the cure for loving her so much.  And when Clark woke up, she was gone.  And he was late to a training session with the team.

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