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Warhawk ([info]warriorwilled) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: After Finding a Local Tavern...
Rex Stewart is having a bad day. A really bad month.

His sister is...yeah. She's also dating a Lord.

The girl he wants to date has no clue he's alive.

His mother is still pissed at him for not telling her his sister got kidnapped. Oh, his sister got kidnapped by some jerk who wanted to breed with her, and managed to beat Rex's ass six ways from Sunday.

Oh, and did he mention that he hasn't had a good fight in a week? All of these things blend together to push Rex to break his vow of sobriety (not that he's a drunk or anything, but still) and he tells Sam to start him up with a round of shots, passing the bartender his home phone number.

Rex is on his eleventh beer when the Krogan--why is a Krogan here?-- walks in.

And he's asking for Aleea.

Now, Rex could keep quiet, say nothing, and just let this pass. In fact, it would probably be smart if he did. But Space Case's dad sent her here to keep her from whatever crap was brewing on Rann. Krogan are mercenaries of the highest order.

And really, when has Rex ever done the smart thing over a chance at fight. He stands up, takes off his coat, and looks at the Krogan.

"She ain't your type. She doesn't do scales." he says, to the shock of everyone in the bar.

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