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Alerron Yat ([info]somebodysave_me) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
As soon as Alerron can pick the boy out of the foliage, his fix upon an injured Katima. The next thing he searches for are her attackers

The moment he finds them, his starbolts fire from the heavens like lasers and men die, vaporized instantly.

He lands, picks up Katima and the boy and flies them back to the base. This all takes under a minute.

When he lands, he looks to Aleea.

"Change in plan. How far can your Zeta Beam get us away from /here/? If we can get far enough from the blast, the Normandy can simply pick us up as soon as possible." he speculates.

"5:59, 5:58...." the alarm signals.

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