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Warhawk ([info]warriorwilled) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Hey, Goddess Junior." Rex says, dressed in his battle gear.

"Mr. and Mrs. Free, thank you for coming." Rex says.

"Yes, this is about Hope. She's been kidnapped. I think it was Darkseid." he says, producing the card from the champagne bottle that was sent over and handing it to Scott.

Inside there is a now black Omega Symbol, along with the note from "Grandfather and Granny".

"We were sitting there talking and the waiter brings over a bottle of champagne with that card. Some guy across the room is staring at us and we were going to ignore him, but I picked up the card and looked at it. I handed it to Hope. She touched and then vanished.

Half the restaurant turned into parademons two seconds later and jumped me. I fought my way out, but when I got outside, some parademons and a big ugly lookin' guy were dragging Hope away through a Boom Tube." Rex says, no small amount of shame in his voice.

"Mr. and Mrs. Free, Avia...I'm so sorry. I screwed up and I want to make this right." he says, looking to both of them.

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