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Avia Free ([info]ms_miracle) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Scott and Avia vs. Parademons
Avia's heart pounded in her chest, fear clutching at her like the claws of some monstrous beast.

She was a nothing. Unimportant, insignificant, and not even enough of a warrior to die on her feet.


Mother Box? But she was hurt... no way she could be talking to her now.


The calming clarity of the Mother Box snapped Avia's mind out of her shocked depression.

"Wherever this is war and hatred and anger," she said, getting to her feet, "peace and love will rise up to oppose them. Peace and love will win out. And I am the messenger of that. Play your mind games with someone else."

"Stone is strong... but that which bends can never break. And you will not break me."

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