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Warhawk ([info]warriorwilled) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Hope vs. Rex
The axe manages to slice into his arm a bit, and Rex recoils in pain, rolling off of Hope. His wings beat furiously with the pain, and he stares her down again.

"Goddess, I know you're in there. I'm not gonna fight you or hurt you, because I love you too much to do that." Rex says, surprised at his own words.

It would have been better to tell her something like that at dinner, when he had a chance.

Rex unbuckles his mace and throws it to the ground, then takes of his helm and drops that on the ground, too.

"Goddess, that maniac can't take you away from the people who love you unless you let him. You've never let /anyone/ push you around, so don't start now." Rex says, spreading his arms as wings.

"If you're gonna kill me, do it. But I'm not fightin' back." he says, uttering a silent prayer to the Gods.

He knows he's not going to reincarnate like Mom and Carter, so Hope needs to snap out of this before she kills him.

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