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dc_gods ([info]dc_gods) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-08 11:13:00

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Entry tags:npc - cerdian, plot - "time of troubles"

Cerdian and Prometheus
Prometheus, a Titan and an ally of the Olympian gods, sought out the one person he had selected as an avatar. The Bringer of Fire to Mankind appeared out of thin air in front of Cerdian.

"Cerdian of Atlantis," he said. "I am Prometheus."

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2010-10-08 11:53 pm UTC (link)
Cerdian sits in meditation upon the beach of a deserted island, knowing that this moment would come. Admittedly, he is awed by the power of the Titan, but knows that such beings are used to these things.

His violet eyes open and he rises to face Prometheus.

"I am aware you, Prometheus. I have seen this day coming, but I admit I do not know the reasoning behind it. The future is clouded and I do not know which way to turn." he admits sadly.

"How may I assist you, Titan?" he asks.

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2010-10-09 12:00 am UTC (link)
Prometheus smiled a little. "The gods have a policy of non-interference in the affairs of mortals, but we cannot sit idly by as the Titans are loose. I need you to be my avatar in this battle."

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2010-10-09 12:04 am UTC (link)
"I am ready to lend myself to this effort in any way necessary. What must I do?" Cerdian asks, kneeling.

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2010-10-09 12:08 am UTC (link)
"Use my powers to help the other avatars fight and defeat the Titans," he said. "Do you accept?"

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2010-10-09 12:31 am UTC (link)
"I do." Cerdian nods.

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2010-10-09 12:34 am UTC (link)
Prometheus reached out and placed a hand on Cerdian's head. There was a flash of light and then Prometheus removed his hand. "It is done," he said. "Use the gift I have bestowed upon you wisely, Cerdian of Atlantis."

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2010-10-09 12:45 am UTC (link)
"Thank you, Prometheus. I will do my utmost to be worthy." Cerdian says, rising from his position to look into Prometehus' eyes.

Now, his eyes glowed with power, and while Cerdian could still see everything before him, every step he could take in any direction now showed the consequences of that step and where it would lead.

Not only could see the future now, but he could follow the trail from this moment until the end of his life. And that end was soon to come.

"I...understand." he says. "I must go."

He runs and dives into the water, swimming off to begin prepartions for the upcoming battles.

There was much to do before the end.

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2010-10-12 12:29 pm UTC (link)

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