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September 22nd, 2011

Posted All Over Campus

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Jillian Hulett
Dear Students,

As you know Parents' Weekend is almost upon us. I would like to take this time to ask you all to be on your best behavior while family and friends visit the campus.

Dining hours have been expanded to allow your visiting guests to dine with you. Tours of the grounds and facilities will be posted. Parents may interview with faculty who will be on hand to answer any questions.

Open campus is extended to all students given that you have an adult with you; you are welcome to visit St. George's Way with your family and enjoy any other local sites (such as nearby Lake George, or the Adirondack Balloon Festival taking place at the Floyd Bennet Memorial Airport). Please remember that when you leave campus and the haven of St. George's Way you are not permitted to use magic.

I expect that this will be our best Parents' Weekend yet.

Thank you,
Jillian Hulett

September 15th, 2011

Student Government Nominations

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Amalia Vass
To: R. Balston, R. Bloodfeather, V. Cantrell, B. Cooper, S. Evans, A. Ford, H. Nikitin, L. Nikitin, X. Nikitin, A. Powell, S. Suzuki, C. Thompson ([undisclosedrecipients]@dresden.edu)
From: A. Vass (amaliavass@dresden.edu)
Date: September 15, 2011, 2:00 PM
Subject: Student Government Nominations

You have all been nominated for one or more of the student government positions up for election this year.

President: Veronica Cantrell, Hawthorne Nikitin, Luka Nikitin, Xavier Nikitin, and Arnaud Powell.

Vice President: Ryder Balston, Riley Bloodfeather, Veronica Cantrell, Scarlett Evans, Abernathy Ford, Hawthorne Nikitin, and Cinnamyn Thompson.

Business Manager: Veronica Cantrell, Madelyn Cooper, Abernathy Ford, Hawthorne Nikitin, Luka Nikitin, Xavier Nikitin, Steven Suzuki, and Cinnamyn Thompson.

Please choose which of the three positions you would like to run for. Since no one was nominated directly for individual year representatives there will be a write in ballot during the election. If you would rather not run simply indicate that you decline the nomination.

OOC: Please reply at the latest by Sunday so I can get the nominations together.

September 8th, 2011


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Who: Hawthorne and Professor Morse
When: Tuesday, September 6th
Where: Professor Morse's Office
What: Thorn gets his wand back.
Rating: SFW

Hawthorne moseyed into Professor Morse's office with as much swagger as he could muster given the situation. He was getting his wand back today, but it would come with conditions.

Morse had him by the balls, but he was certain the professor would never indicate as much. )

Student Government Nominations

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Amalia Vass
Dear Students,

Welcome back to Dresden Academy. I hope you all had a restful summer holiday. I have been tasked with assisting the student government for this school year. I would like to start early and I will begin accepting nominations this week.

I would like nominations for the positions of president, vice president, and business manager; these may be from any class year. General nominations may be offered for individuals to serve the student council as a representative for their individual class year.

I know it is very early in the semester, but we do like to get a jump on these matters.

Amalia Vass
Professor of Combative Magic

OOC: Please comment to this entry with your nominations for student government. You can nominate your own characters or someone else's. You have until next Thursday.

September 5th, 2011

Balancing the Budget

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Jillian Hulett
Who: Jillian Hulett
When: Monday, September 5th
Where: The Headmistresses' Office
What: PLOT. Jillian makes some budgetary cuts.
Rating: SFW

Try as she might, Jillian Hulett couldn't convince any of her staff to retire. She also couldn't see any way to cut down on the educational programs, at least not yet. She wanted to keep everything that made Dresden unique. She could make the budget work for another year, but they'd suffer deep cuts in the following year to make up for it.

Most of the decisions she'd made up until this point had been tiny. )

August 3rd, 2011

The Queen and the Bishop

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Irene Hulett
Who: Irene Hulett and her informant
When: Tuesday, August 2nd
Where: The informant's office
What: Irene discusses her plans (albeit vaguely)
Rating: SFW

Irene settled into the chair across from her informant. "She was none too pleased that I'd seen the letter."

Her informant shook his head. "This game won't end well."

It's not a game. )

August 1st, 2011

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kris mug shot
Who: Kris Pruitt and Mother Criss
When: Summer time
Where: Mother Criss' office
What: Kris gets sorted
Rating: SFW


July 30th, 2011

The First Sand of the Avalanche

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Irene Hulett
Who: Irene and Jillian Hulett
When: Monday, August 1st
Where: The Headmistresses' Office
What: PLOT. Irene speaks with her sister about possible budgetary cuts.
Rating: SFW

Outside of school the Hulett sisters didn't discuss business. They arranged a weekly meeting in Jillian's office. Over the summer these weekly meetings turned into monthly meetings. Irene took her seat in an ancient leather chair and passed a piece of paper across the desk, a letter which she was certainly not meant to read. )

June 27th, 2011

Summer Letter by Owlpost

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Pete Rosenthal
Dear November Hall,

It is my most awesome and honorable duty to inform you that you've been chosen as the Student Proctor for Hudson House! I'll send you a humdrum list of responsibilities and privileges later in the summer (along with an AWESOME armband that you get to wear, but only if you want to wear it. I'd wear it. Mostly just because it's totally awesome). Okay. Enough of my rambling.

Hope you have a great summer and we'll be in touch! Rock it out dude!

Pete Rosenthal

Oh! PS: if you have an questions or concerns toss 'em my way. I'll be here all summer.

Double PS: Don't tell the other kids yet. I kinda jumped the gun. The other profs are still discussing their nominations. Our house was an easy peasy pick. Can't go wrong with November in the house!

June 22nd, 2011

School Bulletin

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Jillian Hulett
Dear students,

As our school year draws to a close I'd like to take this time to remind you that Friday is the last day of classes. Your parents have already been informed that you may remain in the dormitories until Sunday afternoon. Shuttles will start running Friday evening to St. George's Way for the floo and other transportation. Your parents should be contacting you this week to inform you of your travel arrangements.

Your house parent will be circulating with room check out forms before you leave. Please be sure to read them and follow the directions for check out procedure.

Seniors and graduating University students will have a brief graduation ceremony before dinner on Friday in the ballroom. All students and faculty are invited to attend, as well as the graduating students' family.

I hope you all do well on your tests and have an excellent summer,
Jillian Hulett

May 24th, 2011

Backdated: 15 Pages

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Who: Abernathy and Mother Criss
When: Backdated to Wednesday April 11, after class
Where: The advanced Divination classroom
What: Abernathy returns to Mother Criss with Bernadine's answer.
Rating: SFW.

Abby had been waiting for Bernadine's response to Mother Criss' instructions with as much patience as she could muster. )

May 22nd, 2011

Quodpot and Quidditch Tryouts (open to all students)

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Tryouts run from May 23rd to the 27th, from 3:30pm until dinner time. Some coaches may have students return after dinner for callbacks.

Students interested in trying out for Quodpot and Quidditch are invited to the pitches on the day designated for their house. Tryouts usually consist of several tests run by the coach and his or her current assistant; each tryout varies depending on the coach.

Current team members must tryout again to regain their spots on the team. Seniors and university students are ineligible to tryout. Students are invited to sit in the stands and watch tryouts, but coaches may bar rowdy students if they get out of hand.

Results of the tryouts will be posted in that house's main lounge or be sent out via w-mail at the discretion of the team coach.

OOC Bits )

May 13th, 2011

The Prom

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Seamus Morgendorfer
Cinna Thompson had almost single handedly pulled the prom together. The ballroom was decorated with festoons of floating flowers. Stars hung from the ceiling, each set to sparkle as if they were properly in the sky. The outskirts of the room were set with small round tables that could accommodate one or two couples. A table of refreshments was guarded at all times by Seamus Morgendorfer and a rotating cast of other faculty who volunteered to chaperon for the evening.

A glittery ballot box stood next to the entrance where students were set to write down their chosen prom king and queen and drop their tickets into the box. Students began to stream in after dinner to quiet music playing over the speakers. The band, a local group called Vampira was scheduled to begin playing around 7:30.

Needless to say it was going to be an excellent evening.

OOC Bits )

May 11th, 2011

Phase Two

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Abernathy pensive
Who: Abernathy and Mother Criss
When: Tuesday after class
Where: The advanced Divination classroom
What: Abernathy begins phase two of her plan and approaches Mother Criss.
Rating: SFW.

Abernathy didn't want to delay her meeting with Mother Criss, but the Advanced Divination teacher had been seeing students in and out since the very first day of scheduling. It was like this every year; no matter who Octavia Whalon recommended Mother Criss had the final say.

Abby paced outside her office for a bit. )

May 3rd, 2011

Scheduling for Next Year (open to 3rd years through university students)

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Nathaniel Dawkins
Upperclassmen had been sent home with pamphlets over spring break to think about their options for the next semester. Third year students could pick up an elective for their freshmen year, fourth years could pick up two electives as sophomores; those meetings tended to go the quickest. It was the meetings with fifth years and beyond that tended to take up the full 15 minutes alloted to them.

These students had to receive recommendations to take advanced classes, or opt to take electives. Last year Nathaniel Dawkins had tried to talk everyone out of taking magical crafting, if only because that class filled up so fast they had to open another section of it. He had their files arranged already; all the students signed up for time slots earlier in the week. Professors had already sent Dawkin's their recommendations; those had been read and placed among their academic transcripts.

The university students were another group altogether. They had to select a mentor and core focus for their fall semester and if they could look ahead and think about what they wanted in the spring as well. They'd need additional meetings later in the semester with their chosen mentor; thankfully that was out of Dawkin's hands.

Students would be wandering in and out of classes for their fifteen minute blocks, but this was the standard practice for this time of year. Dr. Dawkins was ready, about as ready as he ever was.

OOC Notes )

April 30th, 2011

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ryder - waitin'
Who: Ryder + OPEN
When: Saturday morning
Where: Dresden Hall
What: Weekend detention
Rating: PUPPIES(/SFW) ..probably language though

Unlike most students, Ryder had a tendency to return from vacation with even more of a chip on his shoulder. It was no real surprise, therefore, to find that he had scored himself weekend detention less than a week in from Spring Break. He made his way to the main entrance hall with enough time to properly enjoy his first cigarette of the day. Ryder contemplated about what they might have him do this morning as he waited. Weekend detention tended to be more child-labour than its weekday afternoon counterpart, which was more of a sit down, shut up and do your homework affair. It had been a wet week, but seemed to be a little clearer out this morning. He kind of hoped for something outside - not really feeling like dusting or polishing shit in a musty old room. He did wonder why they bothered with him any more, but it was probably a good way to get all those little jobs done without having to pay anyone.

Movement nearby prompted Ryder to snuff out the rest of his cigarette - not that the smell wouldn’t give him away. But he was already in detention - what more could they do? He looked around for the source of the noise - wondering if somebody would be joining him or if it was just one of those crazy weekend early risers. There was definitely something wrong with those types, he had decided.

(OOC: IDK if anyone else would have weekend detention or not. But if anyone was feeling like NPCing a staff member.. now could be a good time. :D Or else another student up earlyish on the weekend is free to poke fun at him/enquire about his detention. XD)

April 29th, 2011

School Bulletin

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Robin Fortin
On behalf of the faculty I'd like to issue a general warning to any students traveling in the area this weekend. In light of the heavy rains recently there are several flood warnings in effect and many roads have been closed. Please check the weather before you travel and make sure your chosen routes are open.

Robin Fortin

April 21st, 2011

Texts From Over Break

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Huletts Landing
Just to keep it streamlined, here's a post for texting that happened over spring break between students.

Be sure to put in the subject line who the text is to and from and if you want include the time.

And remember: texts have a maximum of 160 characters.


April 10th, 2011

Backdated: A Chat with a Doctor

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Who: Abernathy Ford and Dr. Quinn
When: Near the end of the spring semester 2010
Where: The infirmary
What: Abby gets her ear checked out after this incident.
Rating: SFWish. Language.

She sat nervously at the end of one of the beds in the nurses office. They were occupied often enough when magic backfired. She'd been here more times than she cared to admit as the result of a fight.

This was a little different. )

Backdated: A Hallway Brawler

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Abernathy heh
Who: Abernathy Ford and Adelaide Legaux
When: Near the end of the spring semester 2010
Where: A hallway in between classes
What: Abby and Addy get the school year finished with a bang!
Rating: Probably NSFW. Swearing and violence.

Ending the year properly )
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