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Joshua Daniel ([info]jdh) wrote in [info]greet,
@ 2008-03-14 01:00:00

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Current music:bahdah duh duh duh duh.

Don't hold it against me, [info]stage.
I was going to introduce myself, but then I got high.

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2008-03-16 03:14 am UTC (link)
I baked too many orange-chocolate cupcakes and I ate like five of them today. I wish I could blame that on the munchies but I think they're just really excellent cupcakes and maybe I also need to buy some real groceries.

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2008-03-16 03:38 am UTC (link)
Haha I think we should team up. I buy groceries regularly, and you supply me with those cupcakes.

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2008-03-16 03:44 am UTC (link)
And there's way more where that came from!

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2008-03-16 03:46 am UTC (link)
That makes me really, really happy.

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2008-03-16 03:52 am UTC (link)
But beware, last year my friend Julian told me that he didn't want to hang out with me anymore because I was making him fat. But that's because he didn't want to play tag or wrestle with me.

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2008-03-16 03:55 am UTC (link)
It's a good thing I love tag and wrestling, I'd hate to get a gut. Put your war paint on.

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2008-03-16 04:08 am UTC (link)
I am a fearsome competitor.

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