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Community Information

Below is information about the "Kaiba Corporation" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:kaibacorp (15879)
Name:Kaiba Corporation
Theme:Watch while idiots bother me at work.
Location:Domino, Japan
About:Welcome to Kaiba Corp.

No, you can't come in. I don't even know how they got past security. But you can watch them make my day more bothersome. It should be fun for you, at least.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Kazuhiko Takahashi or Konami, nor do I claim to :) This is (obviously) not official.
Interests:3: getting these people out, security guards, tylenol
Maintainers:1: kaiba
Members:7: bakura, kaiba, maivalentine, malik_ishtar, pegasus, yugi
Watched by:6: bakura, kaiba, maivalentine, malik_ishtar, pegasus, yugi
Account type:Early Free User

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