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Clint Barton/Hawkeye ([info]dodge_this_shot) wrote in [info]marvel_legends,
"Anytime, Hank." Clint says, taking another drink.

"Jarvis is good at watchin' out for people. Lord knows he's had to do it for Stark a million times over." Clint says, a little annoyance in his voice. His dislike of Tony was still rather high, considering all the B.S. Tony's pulled over the last few years.

Personally, Clint didn't want him involved in the Avengers, but the guy had helped found the group, so that counted for something. Still, it was only because Steve was willing to forgive him that Clint didn't consider knocking Tony's block off a few times over.

"Really, Hank...please ask for some help. That's the reason you genius-types keep in touch, isn't it? When one of you comes up with a problem too big to solve, you pool your resources and come up with something." he says.

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