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ng_brotherhood ([info]ng_brotherhood) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"I don't know either." Winterkill responds with annoyance. "You failed." she adds, giving the signal for Daniel to get the garotte around his neck to keep Blake silent as she turns and puts a silenced shot into each knee. He's tough, adapted for superspeed travel, even a headshot risks not doing enough to keep him quiet, so she just has to keep him in place.

"Daniel, Giovanna, finish him, quick and quiet." Gabriella adds, tucking her gun away and reaching for Blake's comm before Giovanna ruins it, shifting briefly to her natural form between Winterkill's shape and copying Blake's, putting his com earpiece in.

"This, by the way, is for those kids you assholes murdered. You don't kill your own kind. Giovanna has her own reasons to hate you. See you in hell, Blake."

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