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ng_weaponx ([info]ng_weaponx) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-17 15:32:00

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Entry tags:npc team - weapon x

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Nicholas did know how to have fun, despite what Kelly said most of the time, and nothing brought him more pleasure than tormenting Romanov. Sure there was women and booze, but torturing Romanov was an art form. Nicholas considered himself on his way to becoming a master. Though lately he hadn't been able to partake in his favorite activity. He had been ordered to lay low and leave Romanov alone for now.

Sure there was the small incident on sending Tessa into Xavier's and having Romanov see her, but it wasn't him doing it directly. Though the thought of Romanov questioning his sanity made Nicholas giggle like a school boy.

Since he couldn't pay Romanov a personal visit, he did the next best thing. He sent Romanov an email with two pictures attached. One was of his dear old daddy all trussed up in the machine. The other was of his mother all stretched out on a surgical table. All ready to be worked on.

He almost giggled when he sent the email and imagined Romanov's reaction when seeing the email.

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