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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Julian did not like how he currently felt, feeling his energy draining from him bit by bit. Was this what others felt like when he took from them? The feeling of weakness that hit him was nothing like when Mother had first shown him how to use his abilities.

He pulls her onto his lap as she drains him, waiting for her to stop. When she does, he can feel his own hunger stirring, but it's less...urgent than before.

"Once I have...what I want, I'll be creating a whole new game, Lisa. But only once the people responsible for taking what is mine have paid." he says, his face a bit more pale than before.

He looks up at her as she asks about dinner.

"What, exactly, are you hungry for?" he asks, waiting to see if she learns about his hunger in addition hijacking his abilities.

"Hijack. If you don't already have a code-name...that's a good one." he says.

"How does steak sound? Or are you hungry for something else instead?" he asks.

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