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Match ([info]son_of_discord) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-12 18:58:00

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Current location:Xavier's
Entry tags:inactive - match, inactive - rose logan

So I had this idea...
He was going to do it today.

He walked toward Rose's room, hoping she wasn't somewhere else on the grounds today, because he was going to do it. He was going to ask her on a...well, not so much a date as an outing for two people. Nevermind that it could be construed as a date, but he didn't want that kind of pressure attached to it. He straightened the collar of his jacket and took a deep breath, knocking on the door.

He tried to think of it as if he were selling insurance, but the thought only made him laugh, so he waited for Rose to answer the door and hoped she was in a talking mood.

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2010-03-13 03:27 am UTC (link)
"'s open, Joey," came Rose's voice from within. "C'mon in."

She was sitting on her bed, currently, reading a book who's title was in Japanese.

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2010-03-13 03:34 am UTC (link)
"Hey you." Joey says, walking in and leaning against the nearest wall.

"That's in...Japanese, right? That's funny, because that has something to do with why I'm here." Joey says.

"You busy tomorrow night?" he asks, before he loses the nerve.

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2010-03-13 04:03 am UTC (link)
"Yeah," she replied, pulling herself into a little more of a sitting position. "It's a philosophy book, actually."

Her expression turned curious. "Not at all," she said. "What'd you have in mind?"

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2010-03-13 04:09 am UTC (link)
"I want to take you out." he says simply. "To dinner, I mean. We could try that sushi place you were talkin' about. Maybe walk around after that before we had to come back here. What do you think?" he asks.

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2010-03-13 04:17 am UTC (link)
Rose smiled and that and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "I'd like that," she told him. "I'd like that a lot."

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2010-03-13 04:23 am UTC (link)
Joey smiled as if he knew she was going to say yes before he asked.

"Excellent. How about we leave around six? Gives us time to see some stuff before or after dinner. I warn you; I know nothing about sushi, except that there's raw fish involved. So, you're gonna have to teach me about sushi, Eastern Philosophy and wilderness survival.

I'll call you Professor Rose." he smirks.

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2010-03-13 04:43 am UTC (link)
Rose smirked herself. "Sounds like a plan," she replied.

And maybe a few things more I could teach you too. Where had that thought come from?

"Don't worry," she added. "Sushi's a bit more than that... but not too complicated or nothin'."

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2010-03-13 04:49 am UTC (link)
"Well that's good. It'll be hard enough to keep my eyes off you during dinner, so I'm glad the lesson won't strain my brain too far." he smirks.

"So...is that The Art of War you're readin' in Japanese? I keep tellin' myself I'm gonna see Japan someday, as soon as I pull an Ocean's Eleven and snatch myself a billion dollars from somewhere nobody's gonna miss." he says.

"If you had a million bucks, what would you do with it?" he asks suddenly.

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2010-03-13 05:04 am UTC (link)
Rose felt her cheeks go a little warm at the compliment.

She shook her head. "Nothin' like that," she said. "It's about Zen Buddhism. Closest thing I got to religion, I guess."

Rose chuckled and smiled. "Probably give most of it away to somebody who needed it more. I don't need much, not really."

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2010-03-13 05:27 am UTC (link)
"That's pretty cool of you. I wish I could say I had a heart like that. But I learned years ago, money buys a lot of things you can't get otherwise." he says.

"Zen Buddhism." he says, going over what he knows of it in his head. Honestly, it's not much. "Hey, everyone believes in their own way. I think it's pretty cool you don't subscribe to the whole 'organized religion' kick. A lot of those people would give away their last cryin' dime if they thought it would get them into Heaven, or somethin' like it." he says, remembering a 'Faith Healing' scam he ran a couple of years ago in Melbourne.

There was a lot of money in that sort of con, if one invested the time into it.

"So...my next question is kind of personal, and you can tell me to bug off if you want, but I'm curious." he says, searching for a way to make the question as non-offensive as possible.

"What can do you do?" he asks.

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2010-03-13 05:36 am UTC (link)
Rose nodded. "Nothin' against money. Just mostly learned to get by without worryin' too much about it. Lucky that way."

She went on. "Not too worried about where I'm ending up. More about how we treat folks while we're here." Not to mention taming more animalistic urges, from time to time.

She shrugged. "Nothin' fancy, least not compared to some of the people around here. I heal fast, mostly. Got super-senses too." She held up a hand and popped one of her claws. "And these, of course. Plus a little bit of psi-talent, when push comes to shove."

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2010-03-13 05:45 am UTC (link)
Healing fast and super-senses? Pretty cool. Joey nodded in appreciation, wondering what it would be like to heal faster than anyone else. He knew he'd be a lot more willing to crazy stuff like surfing during winter back home.

When Rose popped her claw, Joey just blinked.

"Okay. That might be the coolest thing I've seen since I got here." Joey says, nodding in appreciation. "Does it hurt when you do that?"

When she says she has a bit of psi-talent, Joey's expression becomes unreadable for a moment, the smile vanishing, before it returns. Almost like nothing happened.

"Can you read minds?" he asks.

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2010-03-13 05:51 am UTC (link)
"Every time," Rose told him. "But not much. I'm used to it, at any rate." She popped her claw back in with a wet, organic sound.

"Nothin' like that. All I've got are psi-blasts I focus through my claws, and maybe a little bit of resistance to telepaths, but nothing more than that."

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2010-03-13 05:17 pm UTC (link)
Rose would notice a great deal of tension ease from Joey's shoulders as she mentions she can't read minds. His smile comes as easy as always now, and he relaxes a bit more.

He reaches out to take Rose's hand--if she doesn't resist--and looks at the area where the claw appeared and disappeared from. When he doesn't see a scar, he's satisfied, though he doesn't immediately let go of her hand.

"You're full of surprises, Professor Rose." he says simply.

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2010-03-13 05:42 pm UTC (link)
Rose doesn't resist, though a brief moment of surprise flashed across her face.

"More than you know, Joey," she said with a slightly mischievous grin. "More than you know."

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2010-03-13 05:51 pm UTC (link)
"Well that sword cuts both ways, Rose. Did you know I can read palms? Picked it up from a friend of mine who knew a performer in the Munich Circles." Joey smiles.

"Would you like me to give it a try?" he asks.

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2010-03-13 06:08 pm UTC (link)
An eyebrow arched. "What the heck," she said, mirthfully. "I'll try anything once."

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2010-03-13 06:54 pm UTC (link)
"Unless you like, right?" he says, a note of mischief in his voice.

Before she can answer, he begins looking at the various lines of her hand, nodding and making a few different 'Hm' and 'Ah' sounds here and there. He'd learned the technique when he was a kid back home, and it became one of the more successful scams he'd run.

He found himself amazed, however, at what Rose's palm told him.

"You're cautious with your heart." he begins, tracing the heart line with his finger. "You feel as deep as anyone, but you don't let people know, because they'd take advantage if they could. You've been...hurt or uprooted along the way." he infers, continuing the examination.

"You're intelligent, of course, but you know a lot that can't be found in books, too. But if push came to shove, you'd go with your gut before you went with a 'time-honored' plan that probably work 8 times out of 10." he continues, thinking that over as he moves on.

"Your health line is the deepest one I've ever seen, Rose. You're going to see and do tons in your life, provided you don't decide to play chicken with a bus or somethn'. You live life as it comes, and you live it. You don't worry or wait for what might happen. You go with what is happening." he says.

"All in all, that cute smile hides a lot mischief, Professor Rose. You might rub off on me yet." he says.

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2010-03-13 07:40 pm UTC (link)
Rose kept her expression carefully schooled as Joey read her palm, though she fought the urge to nod a few times during it.

"You ain't too bad at this stuff," she told him, and leaned in a little bit closer.

She planted a kiss on his lips. "Rub off like that, maybe?"

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2010-03-13 07:52 pm UTC (link)
"I ain't bad a lot of things. Pity is, a lot of the things I'm good at ain't legal." he says, leaning in as well.

The kiss is welcome, and he enjoys it, brief as it is.

"Yeah, just like that." he whispers, before kissing her again.

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2010-03-13 08:12 pm UTC (link)
The kiss is longer this time, a bit more passionate.

Misha and David are nice, and even Rachel isn't too terrible if she ignores her, and Logan and Mrs. Summers had been doing their best to make her feel welcome, but, honestly? Joey's the real reason Rose is starting to feel a little more like she belongs in this crazy universe.

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2010-03-14 12:33 am UTC (link)
He doesn't want to stop, but at this rate, it might be tomorrow before he remembers to think again if this keeps up. He breaks the kiss gently and just smiles at her.

"We should probably get on that whole getting-ready-for-tonight thing. You might wanna get the lesson plan ready, Professor Rose. I've got lots to learn about you." he grins.

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2010-03-14 12:44 am UTC (link)
Aaaw, heck. Well, more time for that later, she supposed.

Rose grinned. "Oh, I've got lots I can teach you," she teased. "But you're probably right."

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