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Sin Varias ([info]deadliestsin) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Screaming wasn't something that Sin expected to hear half a block form his apartment. Of course, at this hour, anyone screaming meant bad news, and believe it or not, he actually lived in one of the nicer areas of New Orleans - at least an area with lower crime rates anyways.

Drawing himself from bed, Sin rushed to a window and couldn't help but just... blink.. at the sight of what he saw. Gargoyles weren't something he had seen in a very long time, and it was never clear who exactly they worked for even when he had.

And they were attacking Harmony!

Without even thinking, Sin immediately broke all his spells, letting his full and real self come into being. Then with a creak of tendons, he spread his wings wide and leapt out of the window, heading for Harmony's fearful screams.

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