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Sin Varias ([info]deadliestsin) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Sin just huffed over the spot that the thing fell, his wings and body posture speaking volumes. He had to give himself a shake and a growling snort before he folded his wings neatly against his spine and lashed his tail. He was clearly still angry.

Harmony lay on the sidewalk, still yet to move from what he could tell. Growling lowly in his throat, the demon moved over towards her, his voice low and issued through tight lips as he answered, "That was an agent of heaven. The fuckers can't stay out of anything and it's hit the point that I'm about to go fucking storm the gates to make them leave me alone!"

Reaching Harmony, he knelt down and reached out to place his palm on her, over the wound. Then, almost at an alarming rate, her wounds started to fade away from her... only to appear on his person instead. Midnight blue blood starts to seep and several tendrils found their way down his arm to pool against her pale flesh. Once he is done absorbing her wounds, the creature pressed his other hand to his own chest and scowled deeply. No. He was not happy.

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