Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

At the Scene @ 05:38 pm


Joshua carefully moved around as not to disturb anything in the apartment. Blood splatter covered the walls and just about every other surface in the small apartment. Sadly he had seen this type of scene before. The cops had passed it off as a drug related gang attack, but Joshua knew what had caused this. It wasn't even close to drug dealers or gangs. This was the work of a monster.

His suspicions had been confirmed when he had seen the crime scene photos. The bodies had been shredded to pieces. The cuts were jagged and looked like someone ripped the flesh. They couldn't have been created with any type of knife. Claws on the other made sense. Judging by the wounds and the hairs he found at the scene, Joshua knew what kind of beast had done this.

He slipped out of the apartment as silently as he had entered, which was without a sound. Joshua had to report this to those who were more suited to deal with it.

Spring Has Sprung! @ 06:57 pm


Zoey loved spring! It was her favorite season after summer. Though winter was good because winter had Christmas in it. Christmas was the best and this year she had met Santa Claus! She even drove his sleigh! But now it was spring. Spring meant a lot of good things and one of those things were the Asgardians birthday.

Zoey was a little confused about how they didn't know the actual day they were born and Mom couldn't really explain it either, but they were okay with just spring as their birthday. Birthdays meant parties and Zoey had decided that there HAD to be a party.

A party was her favorite thing right after Christmas. She LOVED parties and this would be the bestest birthday party ever!

She knew she couldn't do it alone so she went seeking help. Mom. Grace. Ohu. Any of them, or all would help her. They HAD to.

Everything Old is New Again @ 09:22 pm


Karen never was a big fan of office politics which in retrospect was probably not a good thing for her career. While she never mentioned it to anyone and no one else had to her she knew she had been black listed for getting any more promotions. Despite being second in command of the division for 3 years she had been pasted up on the promotion to head 5 times and her chance of getting it in the future were not very likely. Lynch had the respect of all the other officers under her but the higher ups hated her just because she would not bad down about what really goes bump in the night.

After her latest adventure with Spider-Girl and that crazy but epic fight she had gotten into she had attracted some welcome attention from the Chicago Police department. Apparently they wanted to set up a Special Investigations Unit like New York has and wanted someone with experience to lead it and set it up. For Lynch this was the job of a life time. She told them yes she would be there as soon as she could but she just had to wrap up some important business to take care of.

First she made sure that her guys in the SI were taken care of and as prepared as she could make them and that they would still hire Walker if they ran into anything really strange. Second she made arrangement so that if anyone call saying she was her heroic friend that the call would get transferred to her young brother Thom. Third she had to let her family know what was going on which included talking to her Mother so that she could get the nice house in Chicago that her late Aunt had but no one in the family could figure out what to do with, but also letting Thom know that he might be getting an unusual call from a friend of hers.  Fourth she left a note for Walker letting him know what was going on since he was out of town currently. Finally she got herself packed up and left to start over in Chicago, with a new house, new job, and hopeful lack of troubles.


Marvel Next Generation Roleplay