Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

When the Stars Fall From the Sky @ 03:02 pm


Agent Gamble noticed a power surge in one satellite and then it was gone. The connection to the satellite was broken and then another satellite had a power surge. A few moments later that one went offline. One by one the SHIELD satellites went offline and the world's big spy agency was blind in the sky.

Agent Gamble jumped up and hurried over to Commander Dugan.

Ten minutes later Col. Fury ordered his special ops team in for a briefing.

A Day With Starry Twilight @ 03:25 pm


It was going to be the best day EVER! Ellie, Daniel, Scotty and she were going to spend the day with Starry Twilight! Zoey had barely been able to sleep last night and had been practically bouncing this morning. The time until they needed to be in the club seemed to drag, but eventually it was time!

She was practically bouncing in her seat as she waited for them to start.

I have a secret to tell, from my electrical well.... @ 06:58 pm


The sculpture was coming along beautifully, but was resulting in Corey's keeping odd hours. It was around three a.m. when he stumbled to the kitchen to fix himself some chili-cocoa. He soon noticed he wasn't alone.

"Harmony? What's wrong?"

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay