Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

OMG!! @ 05:16 pm


Zoey was half-watching her favorite show while she rubbed Zhelbar's belly. Zoey, Zhelbar, Spenser, Finnegan and Eyhvatr were all in the rec room stretched out on the floor and various pieces of furniture. The child, dogs and tiger could always be found here at this time of the day when Super Buddies was on.

Loud excited talking got her attention. She stopped rubbing Zhelbar's belly and focused on the television. Her eyes went wide and her chin fell as her mouth opened. When the commercial was over Zoey ran for the nearest phone.

She bounced as she waited for someone on the other end to pick up. "THEY MADE NEW SUPER BUDDIES AND NEW TOYS!" she shouted into the phone as soon as someone said hello. She didn't even wait to see if it was Scotty.

tdrok: The Savage Streets of Westchester @ 11:27 pm


The day was going like any normal summer day in Salem Center. The sun was out, it was hot and the residents of the small town in Westchester county went about their daily business. It was not to last.

A small pinpoint of light appeared in the middle of Main St and started to grow. It quickly expanded causing traffic to stop and the citizens to stop and stare. The light continued to grow until it was the size of a three story building.

A moment later things started coming out of the bright portal.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay