Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Freedom always has a price. @ 05:06 pm


The incursion into the Weapon X facility had resulted in the liberation of its inhabitants - one of them being Evie. During the chaos, she'd managed to slip through the building to a door... a door to the outside. The collar inhibiting her abilities was removed, broken into tiny shards, and Evie was free to use her powers as she wanted. Finally. Fear, panic and the need to flee had her lifting off the ground and flying as fast as she could away from the building. She didn't have any direction in mind, hell, she didn't even know where she was, but she wanted to be away. Far, far away.

Fly away, Firefly )

(no subject) @ 07:57 pm


Bored and somewhat lonely, Sasha decided to go see just who she could find lurking around the mansion. Her hearing picked up ambient sounds, indicating there were a few options of who to bother. Eeny, meeny, miney, mo...

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay