Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

I would do anything for love and I'll take a vow and seal a pact @ 12:30 pm


CES was a BIG deal every year, but this year it was even a bigger deal for Anya. Stark Inc's computer division had a booth as usual, but right next to it Renaissance Tech had a booth. Anya was showing off the new operating system her company developed and hoped to get it some attention. So far it was working. People were interested and liked what they saw.

The best part about CES, outside the really cool electronic toys of course, was that it took place in Vegas. Vegas was one of her favorite places, even though she wasn't old enough to gamble. It wasn't about the gambling. It was about the lights, the shows, the people and the food. Of course the shopping was important too. Anya wasn't one to pass up a trip to Vegas.

It was a busy week for Anya and Sunny. There were lunches and dinners with industry leaders and a few celebrities that happened to be in town. Now it was Friday and the show was over and the weekend had started. A weekend in Vegas to relax was just what she needed. Along with her boyfriend. She had contacted Buck earlier in the week to see if he could make it out this weekend and was happy that he could. She had spent the week praying to whatever deity would answer that things would be quiet so Buck could make it out.

There was enough time after her last meeting of the day and the time Buck got here for a quick nap. It had been a long week. She hit the pillow and was asleep in no time.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay