Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Mardi Gras! (Post Tryk Plot) @ 09:03 pm

Current Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Current Mood: cheerful
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It had been over a month since the Tryk's had invaded Seattle, and since Dolemeck found himself badly injured. He also found himself remorseful for his own actions in regards to friendships and team mates. He apologized to Tyler for what he felt was an abuse in their friendship. He had used him more like a crutch, instead of treating him like a true friend. His naivete and annoying actions were all an act. All because he was scared to be himself, or be rejected by the world.

It was such a hard lesson to learn, but a valuable. He and Tyler were on good terms, but Dolemeck opted to give his friend some much needed space and breathing room. He continued to pay for the apartment they shared, but took time to stay in New Orleans for a bit. He also wanted to give Argo a proper apology as well, as he felt he never treated his friend right.

He booked his regular hotel room at one of the more expensive hotels in the Quarter, and waited for Argo to knock on the door. He had a cup of tea in one hand, and a book in the other. He was reading up on what Mardi Gras was, trying to inform himself on the local custom and where to go during the time the event was in town.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay