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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Anya was in the room set aside for them half dozing as she looked through computer files. Since the bomb her "aunt" had dropped and Stark Inc no longer under the family's (Pepper and Rhodey were family) control, Anya had more time to search through computer files.

A week and a half of searching and she still had yet to find...what was this? She sat up in the chair she had been lounging in and looked at the screen. She found it! She stared at the code, carefully reading each line. It was just as she thought. Dad's nanites were old enough that they wouldn't help him in this situation. It was now a matter of getting some new ones and tweaking them a bit. Not a problem and at least something was going right.

Anya closed her laptop and bolted from the room. She ran past her mother sitting in a chair outside of Dad's room, stopped and ran back. She hugged Mom and kissed her cheek. "Love you. Goodtoseeyou'reupandI'llseeyouinabit," she blurted out and started running again.

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