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Griffen O'Niell ([info]madscienceman) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-20 17:10:00

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How he spent his birthday(Open to Defenders)
He got up early. Then as he sipped his coffee in his space in the cottage in his boxers. Then he noticed the date of the day and had flash backs to last year. That did not fill him with fond feelings even if it had led to him eventually losing his virginity the following month from one of the many lovely ladies he had met. He was more confident than he was last year.

He still choose to hide out in the basement lab. He had something to show the group. His thesis. He would be in a few weeks Doctor Griffen O'Niell. He had finally finished all his hard work. But then he decided that no one would really want to know. In that way his confidence was not that high.

He wasn't that good. He shrugged then went up stairs to have lunch. If anyone actually had any plans, he would be surprised.

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