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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Svalin had been shown to a room that belonged to future-Svalin. She dressed in Migard clothes that belonged to the future-Svalin, which she suspected Vernique had a hand in selecting, and went out to see Kang's fortress. It was impressive, of course it had to be since it belonged to Kang. It would add a measure of difficulty to their task, but Svalin believed they would prevail in the end. They had to.

Now that the reconnaissance was done, Svalin could celebrate Yule with her teammates and the Avengers of this time. She may have made a slight detour on the way back to purchase a few small tokens for her teammates for Yule.

She also wanted to talk to Solver. Her mind was still whirling at the thought of /him/ and she had a million questions. Even Kang couldn't fully take her mind off of the subject.

Svalin returned to the mansion and sought him out. There were tactics and strategy to work on after all.

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