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nextgen_baddie ([info]nextgen_baddie) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"Be careful what you wish for, gaijin. You may yet have it." Harada smiles as she charges the door. He looks at her with growing curiosity.

"I can only imagine the pain you must be in right now, using your claws without your ability to heal. If you are so eager to be dominated, I will oblige you, Rose-san. However, our marriage will be the only one you shall ever have.

After all, it's not as if that imbecile you've chosen even knows where you are. Last night, you told him that you don't love him anymore and that he deserves better than being shackled to an animal for the rest of his life." Harada tells her.

"In fact, if what Foxx told me about this Joey you speak of is true...he's probably on a plane somewhere to pick up his old life, since you outlined to him in great detail that you want nothing more to do with him.

So, in truth, marrying me is the only choice you have left." Harada taunts.

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