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nextgen_baddie ([info]nextgen_baddie) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"You...you're serious." Harada says, looking at Rose in shock as he sees looks into her eyes. For a full moment, he says nothing else, keeping his eyes locked on hers.

Then throws his head back and laughs at her. Loudly. In fact, the sound of his laughter is the only sound between them for two full minutes.

When he's done, he looks down upon her again.

"Foolish girl. I have trained for /years/ to be able to fight your father on his level, against whatever savagery he can bring to bear. The men I have killed in pursuit of this knowledge are more than your feeble mind can safely comprehend, yet /you/ think you stand a chance?

Your father will be lucky if he can survive me, but I know him. He will not seek a fight or he may bring his allies.

Perhaps I'll cut off a small piece of you each day for the next week and mail them to him one by one. I will stoke his anger until he cannot see straight and then he will come here full of arrogance and rage.

Then I will show him your severed head and he will attack me. Then I will him and mount both of your heads upon spikes for my enemies to behold. Your brothers will follow and then /all/ shall know the price of defying Clan Yashida." Harada says, the first traces of true emotion creeping into his tone. His eyes are those of a fanatic, someone who /knows/ that what he says and intends to do is true and right.

"No man can stand against the Silver Samurai, Rose Logan, and live. Not even the Wolverine and his crass spawn."

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