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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"Doesn't it feel good to when business is good?" Julian asks with a small smile. "Speaking of business, I would like to talk to you about an idea of mine. My assistant, Minnie, should have dropped off the paperwork on the Las Vegas Development project I'm considering. Did you get a chance to look at it?" Julian asks.

If Carolyn did look at it, she would remember the idea for a three-stadium complex that could host franchises for Major League hockey and basketball, as well as a World Cup soccer team. The plan would create a special taxing district which would allow profits from ticket and vendor sales to be reinvested into the developments.

The project would cost about $2.5 billion dollars, but the projected revenue would repay everything in less than two years.

"I'm hoping to discuss the project with a few investors, which is why I sent you the information. Las Vegas has an untapped market for this sort of thing and I'm hoping to crack it open and take it for all its worth." Julian says.

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