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Kristoff Vernard, aka Kristoff Von Doom ([info]discardedheir) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Kristoff tries to rein in the pained expression.
He thinks of how recently they discovered what sort of things would happen to Scotty if Kang got his hands on him. But he tries hard, so hard, to remind himself that Cassandra had always seen the best in Iron Lad Devel What A Stupid Name.

"Well," he said, quietly and with a bit of strain in his voice. "It would be difficult to speculate how very differently that would have to have gone."

Most of the conversation dealing with the problem of Kang and all.
But also he wouldn't have had to touch upon an upcoming marriage, Kristoff thinks, because she would have probably been ready to marry Scotty's father before Scotty could speak.

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