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dark_scion ([info]dark_scion) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Friedrich did his best to remain casual as he searched for the books he was looking for. He had a couple leads. Some of the names were considered hacks by their "legitimate" scientific peers, but Friedrich saw traces of brilliance in their theories. In particular there was a mention of a Yusef Razakah, an Uyghur geneticist out of China who had some interesting theories regarding mutant evolution. However getting information regarding his work was difficult. China wasn't too keen on sharing what it's learned regarding mutants with the West, though Friedrich had it on good authority that some of the man's early works successfully made it abroad. Of course the problem was that according to rumor, it was written in Uyghur. So even if he found it, good luck reading it.

He turned the corner, only catching a vague glimpse that there was a person there.

"Pardon me, Miss," he said ahead of time so as not to startle the person already there.

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