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nextgen_baddie ([info]nextgen_baddie) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
After a long, strenuous process, not to mention the war going on upstairs, Dr. Lennox was done.

"It's finished, Dran."

Damon hacks once before taking the forumla from the doctor. "And I can safely drink this."

"Yes, Mr. Dran. I may not care for you or what you do, but I'm still a doctor. I took an oath to help the sick. I only ask that you allow me to leave. Mrs. Mayburn needs me."

Dran drinks the vaccine. Almost immediately he can feel his vitals improving. "My compliments, Doctor. Will I need more?"

"Just take a small cup each day for the next week and you'll be fine."

Damon Dran smiles to himself. "Well then, I should get going." He then turns and abruptly shoots the doctor in the kneecap. Lennox screams in pain, clutching it. "Sorry Doctor, but I need something to keep anybody who gets down here occupied. Plus," he pockets Lennox's notes on the vaccine. "I think I'll use these to recoup my losses to Hammer. Goodbye."

And then Dran made his way casually to his private shuttle bay.

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