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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-07-15 17:41:00

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Uneasy Lies the Head That Wears the Crown
The Queen of Asgard stood near the window in the small chambers and looked out upon the city of Asgard. The moon bathed the city in silvery light and made the dark shadows seem even darker. Even in the dim light the damage to the city was quite evident. Asgard stood for now, but she would show the scars from this for some time.

Svalin had tried to sleep, but sleep would not come. She had been going non-stop for the better part of a few days without sleep and Lady Frigga had insisted she rest. Svalin couldn't disobey her grandmother and had retired to the small room. She hadn't even bothered to try to sleep or make an effort to remove any of her armor.

It felt like she carried the weight of the Nine Worlds on her shoulders and it felt like she was being pulled in a hundred different directions. Her father, mother, and son were missing and she wanted nothing more than to go after them. Her brother was off somewhere fighting the Hulk and Svalin wanted to go help him. She had just sent her wife, her sister and others off on dangerous quests and Svalin had to remain here.

Duty was heavier than a mountain.

Svalin sighed heavily.

She should probably get back to the throne room. Staying in here was not helping anyone and it gave her too much time to think. Lost in her reverie she didn't hear the shout of the alarm at first. When it finally registered she rushed out of the room.

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