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Giovanna M. Bennet ([info]burnwithlight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Re: While the fight goes on
Gio's fully engaged, fighting with wild and, admittedly, hate-filled fervor, trying to keep as much of the enemy busy as possible, but still too much the bodyguard to completely lose interest in where Andrew is.

Eventually, she spots him in the distance, making his way towards the true mission ... and sees the storm get worse around him, with less of the peripheral mitigation from his cousin's efforts. She wants to vanish and go to him, but she knows it would limit her efficacy, and for so many reasons, Giovanna Bennet will not let the False God make her lose her head. Nor will she jeopardize, well, everything by giving into her instinct to want Andrew out, rather than progressing. But she sees just the thing.

"ANGELO!" She screams to her brother, then points to Shane. "TAKE HIM TO ANDREW!"

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