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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"What kind of weird business is this?" Oh great, magic fight he wasn't expecting. He had his own fireball spell, but his was much larger and took longer to set up. Not ideal for the moment.

The real problem here was that this wouldn't be like fighting a demon or a non-magic person, far from it in fact. And it wasn't something he was experienced with. Because right off the bat he knew his time freeze spells were off the table. Time freezing or even slowing down objects, people, and demons was one thing, and yes he did need extra power to do it for people and even more for demons, but power was never a problem for him and the level of control needed was still reasonable. But other sorcerers? No. They were too steeped in magic to be affected by spells so easily. The amount of power needed was substantially higher, not a problem still, but in addition it needed the spells to be far more precise and controlled. That he couldn't do. So as far as it went, Martin could no more time freeze the mystery man than he could turn him purple or to goo. For sorcerer fights this guy had it right, you needed something to send out as an attack, or effect the environment, casting anything on your opponent was a waste of effort.

But still, Martin knew that time freezing an area was pointless too. The guy could just fly, or maybe teleport, out of the way when he realized. He'd need to think of something, but first he conjures up two discs to act as shields and fly forward to smash into the fire balls. It'd likely dissipate or deflect them, but the discs themselves would shatter on impact too and he'd need to make new ones.

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