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Frances Barton | Hawkeye ([info]hotshot_hawkeye) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
The waitress would have said something about the bird, but this little guy was a regular and tipped well. As long as the bird didn't flap around and crap on things, she figured the management would let this slide. She wrote up the order and smirked at the dressed up kid. "Sure thing, coming up."

The Matterhorn With An Apron left and Frances came back out from behind Martin to watch her leave. She really hated being tiny. And then she turned her head up to snort at Martin for snickering, then rush over to peck and mess with one of his cuff buttons in revenge. "And I totally noticed the two milkshakes, Martin Baum. I suppose I should be grateful you didn't get the grande-size," she scolded. "I need a magician with a tummy ache and sugar high like I need a spare nostril."

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