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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He shuffled along a bit, not used to the tiny legs before sitting back down and wiggling his tail, preparing to trying jumping. That's what bunnies did right? Jump places? Tensing his hind legs first, he then pushed off, going a bit higher and farther than he'd intended, and barely making the landing. He'd actually overbalanced and ended up falling on his face. Oh this was not fun at all. He frowned up at humongous Frances and tried hopping along after her, a few more faceplants later and he was getting the hang of it.

Except she was way too tall! And had really really long legs! How was he supposed to catch up?! After a few hops after her, he stopped in the middle of the hallways and glared, then sat down and sulked again. This was just not going his way today.

 photo tumblr_mkjtp20smM1qj827ro5_500.gif

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