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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He landed with a flop onto a cushion and glared at her retreating for before huffing and scrambling up the couch arm to get some height. Cue bouncing off now to try and repeat that teleporting hop from before. It took a few tries, and some very ungraceful landings, before he figured out how to do it on cue. Magic in rabbit form was very different.

He eyed the archer playing pool across the rec room and wondered if he could teleport in that direction. Looking from the couch to the floor he figured there was only one way to find out. Jump!

 photo tumblr_mkqnoty5jY1s93h13o1_500.gif

Flash of blue and the magic bunny skidded to a decent landing not far from the pool table, which meant scurrying away from her line of sight because he was an unhappy bunny. Now...last teleporting hop. 3...2...1...hop!

And the pool table would have a new player, landing just behind the white cue ball that had rolled to a stop. Perfect! Martin nudged and chased the cue ball into the corner pocket, where he promptly sat facing the hole, guarding it from archers, with his back to her and his fluffy tail doing a victorious 'take that!' twitch.

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