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Frances Barton | Hawkeye ([info]hotshot_hawkeye) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
She could hear the thumps and puff of him working out his magic, checking over the couch every now and then to be sure he didn't poof himself in a Klien bunny or something terrible. It wasn't like she was terribly graceful about her own practice when she was feathery.

Picking off stripes with two rebounds each, she jumped a bit when a second white body appearing the game and then stole her cue ball. She lifted an amused eyebrow at the game sabotage and then cold shoulder treatment at the top of his fuzzy lungs. "I have a six foot long bunny poking stick, you know," she pointed out before doing just that, lightly prodding his rump and leaving a little blue chalk-crescent while she was at it.

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