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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Great, bunny sign language was understood! One hurdle down!

He twitched his nose at her in response and scurried over to his hat, sniffing it and running around it to be sure it was still fine. More blue smoke came off him and he nuzzled his fur against the hat, almost trying to rub off the smoke with the hat. Well he wanted to get rid of the excess magic fast, and his lucky magic hat was actually magic and served not just as storage but to help him catch and absorb any accidental sparks of magic that his gloves let out here and there.

There was a good minute of the tiny bunny scurrying around his hat and rubbing against it until there was a good cloud of blue smoke around him. Then, just as it looked like he was going to go around again, there was a resounding BANG and the young mage popped up mid-air just above the edge of the pool table, and landed on it, slipping off and hitting the floor with a very loud thud.


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