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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"I started reading the Hobbit," he piped up, feeling like that was an important thing to mention now. Even though he hadn't finished or gotten into the LOTR trilogy yet. "Oooh. Okay. So he's letting them do it for themselves which is why he can't be awesome all the time, just when they really need it? Dr. Strange does that!" He smiled, quite happy that at least if they were going to subdue the magic it was for awesome, slightly related to Dr. Strange (he could relate almost anything to his mentor it seemed), reasons. "Wait. There are 3 races and the magic ones right? Are the sorcerers their own race or no? Like are there elf mages and dwarf mages along with the human ones? And are we going to cheer for the archer people? You have to tell me if their shooting is good enough or you could do better."

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