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Frances Barton | Hawkeye ([info]hotshot_hawkeye) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
"That's not an easy read, good for you." She blinked at little as Martin reasoned that Gandalf held back so that others had character development and decided to humor his analysis and nodded. "That's it, they steer and tweak where they can. If they push too much, there's trouble." Nevermind that science made magic weaker, but hey, let's not anger the little sorcerer.

She smirked and pulled out her geek card because no one was around. "There's like five good races and three bad running around, Pip, and only five Istari, the wizards. Humans with some elf blood in their lines are long lived and can charm horses or heal, but otherwise nothing magical. Hobbits don't bother with silly things like magic when there's things to grow and things to cook." He love that statement. "Dwarves weren't made like Men and Elves and prefer solid and real things. Elves fashion themselves as the wardens and protectors of nature, but the eldest and closest to the Valar are most powerful, like Galadriel and Celeborn." Tossing some popcorn in her mouth, she smirked. "Yesh there are archers, elves do everything pretty, even archery".

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