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dolemecknight ([info]dolemecknight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
He smiled, taking a sip of the drink Nikki got him. It had chocolate in it... and for some reason it just made him smile more than normal.

"Thank you, Nikki. This tastes quite good. I do not get to have chocolate very often. And when I do, I tend to enjoy it immensely!" Dolemeck's unusual green eyes closed as he took a longer sip of his drink.

"So, where shall I begin?" He rubbed his smooth chin in deep thought before finding something to say. "I was born in what is now known as Baths, England. I was the youngest of three sons in the night family. My brother Dayton was the eldest, and Charles was the middle son. My mother's name was Carling, and my Father's name was Ackley. My mother passed away from a plague when I was eight years old, so I was left in the care of my Father. Eventually my brother Dayton, who was working in Arthur's castle as an executioner and torture master found me work as a squire for Sir Gawain."

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