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Brandr Fandralsson ([info]dashingly) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Brandr was now positioned behind the Flame as he went after the elf. The ground shaking hadn't knocked him off his feet, one did not become a nimble swordsman by losing their balance so easily, but with his opponent solely focused on the elf prince, Brandr had an opening.

He didn't cut off the attack in the beginning stages, no, he waited for that moment when the Flame had put his weight forward to reach for his opponent for that long-range swipe. That meant the Flame was already well into that reaching swing when he thrust his sword at the Flame's free hand, aiming for the seams of the armour where there were gaps to allow for movement. Going through elf armour and skin was difficult but just skin? Certainly doable with Asgardian strength and a blade that sliced through stone and iron easily. This wasn't a killing move by far, he only aimed to sever his opponent's off hand while Kael was the focus. Kept the fight going longer and kept it interesting.

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