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little_gabriel ([info]little_gabriel) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-13 18:39:00

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Current location:Xavier's Mansion
Entry tags:inactive - gabriel, inactive - leech, team - x-men

A Whole New Search

Gabriel shrugged and then scratched at his back.  It had been a long time since he had worn a harness, and it felt absolutely terrible.  He turned a corner in the mansion, attempting to find the guy Xavier had told him about.  "Leech..." he muttered, "I wonder where I can find this guy..."

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2009-12-13 11:17 pm UTC (link)
"That would be me," said the pleasant, gentle voice behind him. "I'm Leech. I'd shake your hand, but I don't know what I'd be interfering with yet. Good to meet you, though."

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2009-12-13 11:24 pm UTC (link)
"Interfering...?" Gabriel replied, but then shook his head and continued, "My name's Gabriel. Nice to mean you too. The Professor insisted I find you and ask for your help. I'm looking for a woman by the name of Callisto. Do you know of her?"

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2009-12-13 11:29 pm UTC (link)
"I tend to suppress people's mutations when I shake their hand," Leech explains. "I figured at first that was probably what you wanted to talk to me about." It's what most people who don't know him want to talk about.

"But my mistake. Yes, I knew Call well enough when I was a kid. Haven't seen her in a while; she doesn't like to come back to New York that often. What do you want to see her for?"

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2009-12-13 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"Well," he said, "Callisto is my mother..."

He looked to the right using the corners of his eyes, and he got a very unnerved expression on his face. "I wanted to ask her who my father is." And he also wanted her to become a real part of his life.

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2009-12-13 11:40 pm UTC (link)
Leech blinks in surprised. "Oh."
When he talks, its even slower than usual. He doesn't want to forget that he knows how to talk right.
"I...never knew she had any kids. It wasn't, really, the...sort of thing people expected from her. You...don't look the right age to be from any of the relationships I know about..." Except...well, Leech didn't want to think about the except, but the uncertainty showed on his face.

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2009-12-13 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"Except... what?" Gabriel asked. He saw the uncertainty on Leech's face, and it made him want to know even more. "I need to know," he implored. His eyes were filled with a longing to know the truth.

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2009-12-13 11:56 pm UTC (link)
Leech just pauses for a long moment, very uncomfortable.

"There was this guy. Call was crazy about him. Everyone knew it. He wasn't interested at all. She got him down to our home, but...then there was this whole hostage standoff with the X-Men and...yeah, it didn't go well."

"The thing is....I've tried to figure I was misunderstanding things about this because I was a kid. I but I heard her -- no one minded talking in front of me; it was just one of those things -- asking Dreamer for a favor. Dreamer...Dream's not a bad person, you understand. She just wants to help. But when people want her help, it tends to be for something bad."

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2009-12-14 12:05 am UTC (link)
Gabriel felt the uncomfortable air surrounding Leech extend out and grasp hold of him as well. And as the guy standing in front of him continued to speak, Gabriel's interest peaked higher than even he could fly. Leech made mention of a hostage situation, and the X-Men were involved.

"What..." he had a har time asking the question, "What... did my mother ask this... Dreamer, to do?"

Of course he felt bad for prying and asking Leech to talk about something he wasn't comfortable with. But, Gabriel wanted, no-- Gabriel needed to know who his father was. He even removed his jacket, pulled his shirt off, and turned around to reveal pure white, angelic wings strapped close to his back in a brace.

"And who is the man she did this thing to?"

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2009-12-14 12:14 am UTC (link)
"Dreamer's not a real telepath. She can't communicate and analyze and shield and all those other things telepaths do. She just gets in someone's brain and moves all the memories and information around until she's got...whatever she's been asked for. And Callisto asked her for 'a good night with the Angel'." Leech bites his lip. "That's who it was. The Angel. Mr. Worthington. The more I think about it, the harder it is to think it wasn't...you know." He looks away. "Call always did what she could to protect my family and the rest of us, but when she wanted something, she wanted it."

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2009-12-14 12:26 am UTC (link)
Gabriel stood in shock. Angel-- Mr. Worthington-- he had met a girl earlier in the day by the name of Lyta Worthington who had the same wings as Gabriel. Everything processed clearly in Gabriel's mind, and he turned around again to face Leech. His head was down for a moment, and then brought it up again. "Thank you Leech," Gabriel said, "I'm sorry I put you in such an uncomfortable situation."

He looked away and stared at the wall next to him. "I need to ask if you can keep this quiet for now," he said, "I... I think I need to process this more. Again, thank you very much."

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2009-12-14 12:29 am UTC (link)
Leech nods. "Not a comfortable thing for anybody. Won't discuss."

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2009-12-14 12:52 am UTC (link)
Gabriel smiled and nodded at Leech. "Maybe we'll meet again soon, Leech." He walked passed Leech and turned the corner, heading for the exit. As he did, Gabriel un-did the brace on his wings. He needed to get high.

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