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Ryan Spector ([info]ryanspector) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-28 21:35:00

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Entry tags:ryan spector

It had been a long day; two tests and a midterm paper all do on the same day.  After dealing with all of that, Ryan was ready to find some baddies to beat down.  He took to the streets of New York  City for some low-key crime fighting, if you could call it that.

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2009-12-29 01:54 am UTC (link)
He isn't the only one out tonight. Talia is on the east coast for the holidays, and out on patrol herself, though for her own part, patrol is achieved mostly rooftop to rooftop or wall-crawling, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary below.

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2009-12-29 03:59 am UTC (link)
Ryan glancing up notices a dark figure on one of the nearby rooftops. While Ryan might be new to crime fighting even he knew that no normal person would be on that roof top at this time of night and as far as he could tell no New York heroes worked here at this time of night.
Running to the building’s fire escape Ryan thought this night just got a little bit more interesting.

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2009-12-29 04:10 am UTC (link)
The dark figure is still waiting on the rooftop when he arrives, crouching on one edge like a gargoyle. From here, though she's slender, the masked figure is probably female.

"You're observant. Even around here, no one ever looks up."

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2009-12-29 04:25 am UTC (link)
A little winded from sprinting up the fire escape, Ryan responds to the shadowy woman that just spoke to him.

“Well I’ve always had a knack for seeing things no one else does, and speaking of that, what are you doing up here?”

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2009-12-29 04:28 am UTC (link)
"Waiting for you, currently. In this city, most people don't go sprinting up fire escapes /towards/ shadowy figures, let alone go peeking into dark alleys. What are you looking for?"

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2009-12-29 04:33 am UTC (link)
“Could be you, but I have not made up my mind yet about that and how could you be waiting for me, I’m fairly certain that I never met you before.”

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2009-12-29 04:37 am UTC (link)
"You haven't, and I don't know you. But you move like someone with training, and you were poking your head into places most New Yorkers steer clear of. It caught my attention." And her psychic equivalent of spider senses. There was something odd about this one.
"I've been watching you for a couple blocks now. Call it curiosity."

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2009-12-29 04:52 am UTC (link)
Wow so I have a Stalker, thought Ryan, better tread lightly here this could be dangerous.

“Yes, I do suppose that it is odd for a New Yorker to be aware of anything going on around them that does not directly affect them. I guess you could say I’m curious as well.”

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2009-12-29 04:53 am UTC (link)
She grins, a slight movement under the mask. "Its odd for a New Yorker to go looking for trouble in dark alleys at night, outside of the cape and cowl crowd, anyway. Who are you?"

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2009-12-29 04:58 am UTC (link)
“Well I know I’m going to regret this but I’m Ryan, and it’s also odd for someone other than a cape to be running around on rooftops this late at night as well. Now it’s your turn, what’s your name?”

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2009-12-29 05:02 am UTC (link)
"I am a cape, even if I'm more used to the other coast. And you can call me the Shroud. What're you looking for, Ryan?"

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2009-12-29 05:08 am UTC (link)
“Well Shroud, I guess you could say I’m looking for trouble. Which if I had to guess was the same thing you were looking for till you found me.”

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2009-12-29 05:11 am UTC (link)
"Good guess. Even if you're not dressed funny like the rest of the people in the looking-for-trouble business around here. You new in the business? I'm pretty familiar with most of the big name mercs or soldier-of-fortune types."

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2009-12-29 05:19 am UTC (link)
“Yeah, just started this up less than a month ago, but I got to say this is the most exciting thing that has happen so far, other than a few muggers who I haven’t seen around here since."

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2009-12-29 05:23 am UTC (link)
"You've got some training from somewhere, most people don't move like that. If I had to guess, looks like spec forces, maybe some indian, middle eastern... not sure, by your stance. Can't quite place it, just familiar somehow. Dangerous hobby though, wherever you're coming into it from. You sure this is the kind of trouble you want?"

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2009-12-29 05:35 am UTC (link)
“You’re good, I do have some Special Forces training but I was never in Special Forces. The stance is a mixed stance, though I have to admit I am surprised you missed the boxing training I have. And as to trouble however let’s just say it’s in my blood. But believe me when I say I know just how dangerous this can be both physically and mentally.”

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2009-12-29 05:37 am UTC (link)
"I make a point of being good, it keeps me alive. You're right, I missed the boxing, will keep it in mind. In your blood, huh? Got a last name, Ryan?"

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2009-12-29 05:42 am UTC (link)
“Yes I do, but why should I tell you when I don’t even know your first name just your alias, which seems very unfair to me.”

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2009-12-29 05:46 am UTC (link)
Another grin. "Because you're the one running around without a costume, and as well trained as you are, someone knows who you are. I can find out, given enough time. More importantly, you're the newcomer to this business, and if you come with the right references, I can give you some information that might be of use to you. But if I don't know if I can trust you, how can I expect anyone else to?"

She pauses, finally turning more fully to regard him. "And if you need to know my references, I suspect you know something about the original Shroud. I wouldn't last long using his name if he didn't approve."

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2009-12-29 06:00 am UTC (link)
“If you say things like that you don’t inspire trust in people that you are trying to get to trust you. I mean for all I know you could be a super villain or something, I wouldn’t be able to tell but you want someone to tell you who they are with giving up a thing about yourself, come on this is not free lunch. Also if I felt that was an honest threat I know exactly how to get myself out of here and be sure I would never see you again."

"So if you want me to trust you with information like that you have to earn my trust. My first name was a freebie and like I said earlier I’m regretting it. So can I trust you or should I just leave?”

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2009-12-29 06:07 am UTC (link)
She shakes her head. "That's not it, not a matter of trust. Its that like a lot of heroes, there's people I protect with the mask. My teacher is a well known hero by the same name. If that's not good enough for you, I'm sorry."

She sighs. "You're good, you're observant, you're cautious. But you're also running around looking for trouble with no mask and no backup. That will get you killed. Take it from someone who has been at this for some time now. I was going to give you contact information for the Avengers so they can check your references and give you a hand getting started. They could use the help. But I need some idea where you got your training. Give me a reference, one good reason I should trust you, and I'll get you a phone number. That's the best you're going to get."

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2009-12-29 06:19 am UTC (link)
Having finally calmed down from his earlier outburst. “Well I guess I can but I highly doubt that you would even believe me, but the guy who taught me almost ever thing I know is the original Moon Knight. It also seems that I’m not the only one who furiously protects their secret identity I mean I have loved ones to and I need to protect them as well. But anyone can say that someone trained them so words mean nothing without action. But I see you point I have been being a bit reckless, I guess I never thought that I would even end up doing this.”

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2009-12-29 06:25 am UTC (link)
"There we go. If you're trying to protect your identity, I'd start with getting a costume made. Second, I believe you. You have the right mix of fighting styles, you move right, and you don't act like you're lying. Moon Knight worked with my teacher a time or two as well, so I am somewhat familiar with him. He was also an Avenger, so they ought to be able to verify what you're saying."

She withdraws a small notepad from one of her packs and sketches down a number.
"You'll be able to reach the Avengers, probably Hawkeye's student, with this number. Be polite, introduce yourself and drop your mentor's name, and they might be able to help you."

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2009-12-29 02:23 pm UTC (link)
“Thanks, that’s very kind of you. I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted; it was very impolite to someone who was trying to help me. But, from what I know of the business being suspicious of strangers running around on roof tops isn’t unusually a bad thing.”

He walks over to Shroud and takes the sheet of paper, carefully folding it and putting the paper into his pocket as he talks. “I wouldn’t call Moon Knight my mentor though he’s just the guy that trained me. I don’t even think he knows I’m out here. He would be so jealous of me right now running around in the streets fighting crime like he used to before he retired.”

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2009-12-29 06:44 pm UTC (link)
"Its ok, I wouldn't trust me either if I didn't know me so well." she replies, a bit amusedly.

"Whoever you are to Moon Knight, its not a bad reference to have. But for now, take my advice, go home, take it easy for a while, and call that number when you're ready. Running around without a mask is a good way for /someone/ to figure out who you are real fast. There's only a handful of people on the planet with that level of training, narrows down the list quick, and every hero has some old enemies lingering about."

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2009-12-29 08:20 pm UTC (link)
“Yeah Moon Knight really got his act together after that whole face carving phase he went through. Thanks for the advice I probably should take things easy for a while and when I have some free time I’ll definitely give that number a call and try and set up a meeting with the Avengers. I suppose I probably should start to work on creating a costume to wear rather than just fighting in my civilian clothes. It was definitely nice meeting you.”

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2009-12-29 11:56 pm UTC (link)
She nods. This one might survive after all. "Good luck." she offers, before getting back to her patrol, leaping to the next rooftop and disappearing before long.

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2009-12-30 02:39 am UTC (link)
After watching shroud disappear back into the shadows, Ryan walked back to the fire escape to get off the roof. It would be a bit of a walk to get back to his dorm but it would give him some time to think, which is exactly what he needed.

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